Om Chaturmukhai Vidmahe Hamsaroodaya Dhimahi Tanno Brahma Prachodayat
As per mythology Lord Brahma was assigned the process of creation. He is represented with four arms and has four heads with and ruddy complexion. His hands hold the Vedas, a Mala, a Sruva (a ladle) and a Kamandal. In his concept of creation it is believed that the world exists for one Kalpa in the single blink of his eyes. One Kalpa means 2,160,000,000 years in the ancient Vedic calendar. Lord Shiva showed Brahma his Ardhanareeshwar form so that both masculine and feminine principles can be created to ensure a continuous cycle of balanced creation. It is believed that after every Kalpa there is dissolution and the process of creation begins again. From his knowledge Brahma also created a powerful weapon called Brahmaastra. Once a warrior invoked this weapon it had to be used. So powerful were its effects that whoever it touched would cease to exist and all life forms or the existing land would turn barren thereby finishing any creative force that can further existence.
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is essentially for those who seek knowledge, comprehending the essence behind creation and become more creative. Like the four faced Lord Brahma, the wearer gains knowledge from all the four cardinal directions. It is suitable for all 4 stages of human life. They are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa.
The new age contemporary lifestyles require a continuous assimilation of knowledge. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha enhances the intellect of the wearer and helps him attune his mental set up to sustain and survive constant change. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha controls the malefic effects of the planet Mercury. Thereby it blesses the wearer with a stable mind and a keen intellect.
The 4 Mukhi is highly suitable for those involved in intellectual / creative work. Students, teachers and writers can benefit from this bead. Children can wear this Rudraksha to improve their focus and memory power. A 4 Mukhi hanging is used in the study area of children to energize the study area. Children can wear it as a single bead or it can be worn along with the 6 Mukhi Rudraksha. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is an important part of the Saraswati Bandh. 4 Mukhi Kantha is highly beneficial for those who wish to calmly assimilate knowledge, enhance intellect and inculcate enthusiastic learning.
In earlier days a crown made of 4 Mukhi with 5 or 6 Mukhi that consisted of 550 beads were used in crown therapy. Ancient Sages used this crown for treating patients with mental disorders or to control stress.
Brahma is the soul of the Vedas who blesses with higher intellect while illuminating the mind. Wearing the 4 Mukhi gives access to the right, relevant knowledge that beautifies the intellect making it shine with creative ideas.
Presiding Deity: Brahma
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Namah:
General Benefits: The 4 Mukhi displays efficacy in strengthening memory. Creative energy, concentration and a single minded focus are enhanced. Students, writers and artists benefit tremendously when they wear it. The wearer is blessed with knowledge and constructive ideas. The power of creativity and knowledge becomes synonymous with the wearer. The Saraswati Bandh; one of the most sought after combinations is the trade mark property of Rudralife.
Spiritual Benefits: It enhances the power of the mind to focus, helps to concentrate and improves memory. It energizes the 7 chakras to spin at a higher frequency and experience enhanced divine vibrations. The 4 Mukhi Kantha made of 32 beads enhances the optimal functioning of the Chakras.
Health Benefits: It is recommended for people who suffer from brain disorders. It is beneficial for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Differently abled children are suggested to wear this bead.
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha helps the wearer experience unity with divine knowledge blissfully. Wearing it gives a sparkle in the eyes that stems from enthusiastic learning and willingness to express creatively. So wear the 4 Mukhi and experience the divine power of Om Saum Sat Chit Ekam Brahma.