As per the Samba Purana, Lord Krishna married Jambwanti. They had a son called Samba. He was extremely handsome. His charm and radiance was exemplary. Once he committed a sin and as a result was afflicted with leprosy. His youthful charm now began to wilt and moved towards a very challenging physical appearance. His health began to fail. He invokes Surya / Sun. He prayed sincerely till Surya appeared and blessed him. It was with Surya’s blessings that Samba could do away with this misfortune. Thus he was disease free and handsome once again.
An excerpt from this Purana calls Lord Surya as the radiant master of the universe who through his effulgent rays bestows knowledge. He can bestow salvation through his presence and radiance. Lord Surya has a red complexion, rides a chariot drawn by seven white horses and holds the divine wheel of Time. He is the father who gives warmth, radiance and annihilates all sins with his thousand rays of light. This is how the Suryashtakam ends describing the power of this deity from the Rig Veda.
|| Tam Suryam Jagatamnatham, Gyan Prakasha Mokshadam,
Mahapaapharam Devam Tam Suryam Pranamamyaham ||
The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is a very radiant and powerful bead. The scriptures mention its healing powers that cure diseases. The wearer displays the same potent power as Surya Dev. It helps to eliminate stress and anger. It does away with negative tendencies of worrying, being suspicious, dependency and poor self-esteem. This Rudraksha energizes and strengthens all the digestive organs effectively and particularly the heart and eyesight.
Wearing this Rudraksha waking up early in the morning before sunrise and chanting the Surya Gayatri mantra is considered to give extremely auspicious results.
|| Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Divakaraya Dhimahi Tanno Surya Prachodayat ||
The 12 Mukhi is recommended usually for administrators, doctors, lawyers and C. A.s. The decision making and discernment needed to rule with authority and shine forth in their field is bestowed abundantly.
Presiding Deity: Lord Aditya (Surya or the Sun)
Ruling Planet: Sun
Beej Mantra: Om Krowm Kshowm Rowm Namah: Om Namah:
General Benefits: This bead aids in the acquisition of name, fame, power and position. It substantially enhances qualities of leadership and administration. Professionals like lawyers, doctors and C. A.s benefit from this bead. The business combination is made of a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha along with a 7 and 8 Mukhi. This is extremely sought after by businessmen. This bead improves the confidence and the motivating capacity of the wearer so that he becomes a leader or a trail blazer for others. Thus he can lead others on his path of glory. A 12 Mukhi hanging is used to rectify Vaastu defects.
Spiritual Benefits: The scriptures refer to the Sun as the Atman, soul of all beings. Thus Sun is none other than the self. The Prana or the vital force essential for life is Aditya / Sun. Wearing a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha close to the chest ensures its proximity to the heart. Thus the heart / Anahata Chakra is energized.
Health Benefits: It strengthens internal organs. It is beneficial for ailments affecting eyes, skin and the heart.